
Nowadays, the Linkedin platform plays a fundamental role in finding employment. So you must have a profile worked out, in order to find that desired job, and that enhances what you are. Therefore, from Transpose Magazine we are going to give a series of tips when it comes to developing a profile:

1º Profile photo

This would be one of the most important aspects. The first impression that the person visiting your profile receives. So we must conscientiously choose the best option.  To do this, it is recommended that you choose a photo in which you are alone in a neutral environment, without any distractions in the background. We must avoid photos with more people or in inappropriate environments. Clothing is also important. It must be adapted to the job that you expect or wish to obtain. 

2º Description

After the profile photo, this is the second impression one gets. A good description should talk about yourself and equally emphasize your skills. It should not be too long as it is only a first contact with the person, to see in more complexity who you are there are already the following sections.  Although an excess of synthesis should also be avoided.

3º Content

One must put in what one has done during one’s life. Projects in which you have participated, courses, certificates, professional career, voluntary work and academic career. In short, everything. Perhaps aspects or activities that you have done do not seem relevant enough to you to put them down, but maybe that activity is the differential factor that makes your profile different and more attractive than others. So you have to remember and put absolutely everything into it.

4º Contacts

Try to get as many contacts as possible. Networking is important when it comes to making yourself known and getting a job. The more people you have in your network, the easier it is to find the job you want and to be contacted for jobs. Don’t be afraid to try to connect with a large number of people. When contacting people you do not know, it is advisable to send them a message with the invitation indicating who you are and why you want to connect with them. This will create more trust and they are more likely to accept your invitation. Perhaps one of those contacts you made through Linkedin is the key to your dream job. 

We hope that these tips have been useful and have helped you create a better Linkedin profile that brings you closer to your dream job. 


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