Spanish Cultural Shocks

Many of you have had the privilege of living in a foreign country. Living in a country as a foreigner has its challenges, beginning with cultural shock which makes one feel disorientated in an environment different from their own. These differences include potential language barriers, communication styles, expressions, cuisine, weather, and more. Every country has [...]

Wellness & Travelling

When it comes to travelling, most people are looking for one of three different things: Some are looking to increase their life experiences through exciting journeys full of discovery and adventure, others to learn more by experiencing different countries and learning about other cultures and ways of life. And finally those who are looking for [...]

My Best Year Ever

Okay, so here it comes, not only another depressing yearly writing from me but also probably another year of depressing stuff. Like my favourite worst dressed philosopher, publicly known as Drake, captioned in his masterpiece of an Instagram post, “Whatever you told me in 2020 you have to tell me again.” However, I don’t want [...]


Wow. It is very hard to believe 2020 has come to an end. At least for me, a year has never been this significant in my life. I mean I had a year where my life changed quite a bit, but I always thought things happen when they need to, and not once blamed the [...]


“What does it even mean to be happy? Imagine being an Antonius when you have had the greatest success; or you have arrived in Paris, you are under the Arc, and you are above all those people and power... In that moment you are all alone, if you are asking yourself ‘Wow.What now?’, then you [...]

The Social Dilemma

You lay in bed after a long day and begin your nightly routine of browsing through Instagram before heading to sleep. Scrolling from a Tik Tok, to an Among Us meme, to an anti-trump U.S. election post, although you're not even American, and then come across some juicy celebrity news. ​Damn, that's tough​. Next thing [...]