The journey of exams

I don’t know what life is like  without taking exams from time to time. I’ve taken them for as long as I can remember. Of all difficulties, of all kinds, at all ages and all dates. I’ve done  them being nervous and calm, sleepless and rested, in love and disappointed, hungry and thirsty, somewhat disenchanted with life and excited about anything, with a moustache and more without a moustache, wanting to get rid of them and wanting to do my best. Done in all possible states of mind and in many places, in different cities, in classes, in sports centres, in auditoriums, in a courtyard, in an office entrance, and where I never imagined until a few months ago that I would do them, in my house, in my room.

Fellow travellers, I would never have minded leaving them at the first station we passed through.  Always there. So decisive, on them depended an uncertain future, a grade, an opportunity given or taken by them. Giving me both joy and hardship. A part of my life up to this moment are exams, because these do not only involve the moment of facing the paper with the acquired knowledge, but the previous hours, the previous days and in some cases the previous weeks. Visualization and planning are somehow essential. Life revolves around them in some way. It determines when you can go out, what you can do and the whims you can afford. Although to be honest, the planning in my case is only a theoretical matter and almost never comes to practice.

A part of my life up to this moment are exams, because these do not only involve the moment of facing the paper with the acquired knowledge, but the previous hours, the previous days and in some cases the previous weeks. Visualization and planning are somehow essential. Life revolves around them in some way. It determines when you can go out, what you can do and the whims you can afford. Although to be honest, the planning in my case is only a theoretical matter and almost never comes to practice.

In the last few years I’ve become increasingly indifferent to what they turn out to be, I don’t know if it’s because I’m having a birthday or because I’ve lost the respect they once gave me. It may also be that I have become more stupid and ignorant, which I do not rule out.

I don’t know if in a few years I’ll still be taking exams like I have so far, probably not. Then I will still miss them as it happens with many things that over the years one only remembers the good things. I’ll remember the moments of uncertainty in the corridors before entering the classes, the moments afterward when people are divided between those who want to keep talking about the exam to find out if their answer is the right one and those who try to escape from society, the coffee afterwards talking about everything but what we did a few hours ago, and going out to party with your classmates after the week or months of exams, a moment when you felt an eternal liberation with people who had gone through the same things as you. Somehow I’ll associate them with childhood, adolescence and entering adulthood- times that stand out in most cases as being unattached. Currently most of the things I speak of in this paragraph are impossible, and who knows if they will happen in the near future. With this, exams lose some of their magic and their charm that was already little in itself. Now that I think about it, maybe I won’t miss them so much.

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